Friday, May 31, 2013

The Breakfast Club...

Welcome back!  ;)

Some good ol' food for thought: Is breakfast in fact the most important meal of the day?

It is summer time and we all wish we were lying on a paradise beach while sipping fresh, cool pineapple juice...reality check little nutrinutters…duty calls and we are brutally summoned back to our tasks. Many times we struggle to find the strength to perform these, so what can we do about it? Increase our coffee intake from 10 cups to 20? This is probably not the answer. There’s got to be better ways!…and I’m here to let you in on a secret.

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, is this a myth or a fact? What is it about breakfast that people make such a big deal about? For starters, we must keep in mind that all the hours we spend sleeping we are not eating, so how can our bodies be expected to get up, go to class/ work, pay attention to professor/work, think and breathe without energy?  I’m breathless just thinking about it!

However, if the need for energy is not that motivating and you need the extra incentive, you should know it also helps with maintaining your weight. Studies show that people who skip breakfast daily are more likely to overeat throughout the day usually with unhealthy high-fat and high-calorie foods. Also, eating breakfast increases the rate in which your body burns calories, known as well as increase of metabolic rate.

But here are some questions you might be having: can we just have anything we want? How much earlier do we have to wake up to make breakfast? Being realistic here, who wants to wake up 40 minutes before their daily routine just to make breakfast? Well, it just happens to be that there are some great ideas on how to keep it deliciously healthy, simple and fast!

Here are a few:
ü  Smoothie made with skim milk and/or plain yogurt, fresh or frozen fruit and wheat germ or flaxseeds. For a little extra protein, add a small spoon of peanut butter.

ü  Toasted waffle 100% whole grain with natural peanut butter or low fat ricotta and fruit preserves.

ü  Low fat cottage cheese with granola and fruit. If you like almonds, it adds a nice touch as well!

ü  Yogurt with either a few almonds or a spoon of almond butter and a fruit of choice.

ü  Oatmeal with skim milk, fruit and cinnamon.
o   By adding different spices, such as cinnamon, you will notice that you won’t need to add as much sugar if any! The sweetness of the fruits will have the same effect…so get creative and add your favorites ;)

ü  Fresh fruit and string cheese.

ü  Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread, orange juice (if not from fresh fruit, look for 100% juice brands).

ü  1 egg, English muffin/ 2 slices of toast, orange juice

ü  Vegan options: granola with soy yogurt and fruit/  whole wheat toast with almond butter and fruit/ fruit with 1 spoon of peanut butter and soy yogurt/ whole wheat crackers, smoothie (almond/soy milk/ coconut water blended with fruit of choice)

These are just some ideas, but play around with them and see what suits you best…you’ll be amazed at how many combinations you can come up with!

Feel free to post some of your own ideas as well…I’d love to hear from you! J

-True Nutrinut-

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome Nutrinutters!!

Dear Nutrinutters,

Is it alright to call you Nutrinutters??

I'm excited to welcome all to join me weekly here to read about nutrition tips and facts, fun recipes to try at home and any specific topic you wish me to discuss here as well!
You're probably wondering who I am huh? Maybe not so much, but I'll tell you anyways. I'm from my bachelors there in Nutrition, currently living in the U.S. and almost completing a Masters in Dietetics - fireworks- ;)
Well, I hope to share with you guys what I know in an interactive, fun and understanding way!
Here are some ideas for future posts:

  • Supplements
  • Gluten free diets
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Losing weight in a healthy way
...and MANY MANY MORE!  :)

Next week: Is breakfast the most important meal of the day??

Join me on this weekly ride in exploring nutrition! 

-True Nutrinut-