Monday, October 14, 2013

The grand finale is always so tasty... (part 4 of "411 on proteins")

Ciao Nutrinutters!

Hope everyone has been great!!
For those of you who know me, have followed this journey to completion of my masters in Nutrition...well, not just yet, but at least I've presented my project last week and now I finally feel I can take a few breaths!

 - Celebratory dance -

But continuing where I left off a few weeks ago, I did promise that I'd discuss some ideas on pre and post workout snacks, so let's cut to the chase, shall we?

What is THE best snack to have before your gym session? The answer is.......(drum roll)
it depends what works for you!

But here's an idea of what you should be looking for:

 1- Something that does not digest too quickly
(choose high fiber foods) You need energy for entire workout after all...
 2- High Carbohydrate
 3- Low fat

Here are some ideas:
- A banana with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
- Low-fat yogurt with a fruit
- Oatmeal made with skim milk and fruit
- Trail mix with nuts and fruit
- Granola with low fat milk and fruit
- Smoothie made with low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit and wheat germ
- Carrots/Celery with humus

Notice that all options have a fruit/vegetable (great because of carbohydrate, fiber and vitamins and minerals) and a protein source. 

What kinds of foods can interfere with your performance?

High-fat protein sources such as fried meats and cheeses. This is because fat takes longer to digest and this might give you a sluggish feeling during your workout or even nausea.

As for after a workout, replenishing what was lost during is very important! If done properly, this will play a very important role in how you will feel after.

Keeping your body hydrated will help prevent the fatigue feeling that many experience after. Some good choices to accomplish this are:

- Water
- Juices (preferably fresh to obtain the most nutrients)
- Fruits that are high in water:
   > Watermelon
   > Grapes
   > Melon
   > Oranges
- Coconut water

To replenish muscle glycogen lost during workout eat foods that are rich in carbohydrate 15 minutes after your workout has ended. (follow examples of meals in pre-workout).

Keep in mind that there is no standard miracle meal plan that will work for everyone. Experiment with these options...create some of your own too....and apply to your routine what works best for you ;)

...and hydrate!! Don't forget!

- The Nutrinut -

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