Friday, September 13, 2013

How much protein do I need (part 2 of "411 on Proteins')

Ciao Nutrinutters!

On the last post we were just getting our feet wet when it comes to protein. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, do visit the "411 on proteins", where we learned why protein is so important. Moving on to how much our bodies actually need...with protein being such an important nutrient, maybe I should quit carbohydrates and fats and just stick to proteins right? Hey, at least my hair will look nice!
The thing is carbs and fats are actually quite important to our bodies and it turns out that protein out of the 3 is the one we need in less amount.

So let's do some math together to figure out how much each one of you need of protein per day...I'll use me as an example...calculators in hand, or if you are one of those math wizzes, no need ;)

First step: Convert your weight from pounds to kilograms by dividing it by 2.2

                My weight in pounds is 160 =>  160 / 2.2 = 72.73 (this is how much I weigh in kilograms)

Second step: Multiply your weight in kilograms by the following:

0.8 - if you are not very physically active (basically if you're a student or work at a desk, walk less than 2 miles per day)
1.0 - if you have a light physical activity level (jog, walk, bike not every day)
1.2 - if you are physically active every day (run, bike, swim, every day)
1.5 - if you are physically active and are trying to build muscle

Usually when you calculate your needs of a nutrient per day, you estimate a range since we don't eat the same thing every day. I fall somewhere in between the first and second, so what I'll do the following:

72.73 x 0.8 = around 58g  AND
72.73 x 1.0 = 73g

So the range of how much protein my body needs is about 58-73 g

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind we are talking about grams of protein and not calories ok?

Now that we have all calculated and know how much protein our bodies need, here are
some good food sources and how many grams each have:

- 3 ounces (this is about the palm of your hand) of lean meat, fish or
poultry => 21 grams

Vegetarian options:
- 1 cup of yogurt => 10 grams
- 1 cup (8 ounces) of milk => 9 grams
- 1 egg => 6-8 grams
- 1 slice of packaged fat-free cheese => 5 grams

Vegan options:
- 6 ounces of tofu => 13 grams
- 1 cup of soymilk => 7 grams
- 6 ounces of soy milk yogurt => 6 grams
- 1 cup of oatmeal => 6 grams
- 1 cup of cooked brown rice (equivalent of a fist) => 5 grams
- 1 tablespoon of peanut butter => 4 grams

Next post we'll learn what is wrong with overdoing proteins and taking protein shakes!
Until then! ;)

-The Nutrinut-

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