Monday, July 14, 2014

DYI: Coco Shampoo

I have some exciting news! I just invested on a good camera. I confess I'm still in the exploring phase and trying to figure out how to get the most out of my pictures. I even watched yesterday a 1 hour tutorial on the camera basics until eventually I got overwhelmed and decided to continue the video another day, haha. Has this happened to you?  I'd love to hear some of your camera stories :)

Since the weekend is when I have more time to get things done, I decided to test out a new shampoo recipe and see how the pictures would turn out.

Just like with the coco-lavender cleanser, which by the way I've been using for 3 weeks now and my face has never been this great, I chose to go the DIY route because I have very sensitive skin and always had to overpay for more "natural" products. 

My criteria for going with this recipe was that it was simple, had good reviews from other people that tested it out and I had all the ingredients at home. So here it is!

Coco Shampoo Recipe:

- 1/4 cup Coconut Milk (I used from the can)
- 1/3 cup Castile Soap
- 1 Teaspoon Olive oil (I recommend using 1/2 a teaspoon instead since coconut is moisturizing enough)
- 20 drops of essential oil (I used 10 drops of lavender and 10 of tea tree)


Mix in all the ingredients in a container of choice. 
Since I didn't have a bottle with pump, I just used an empty shower gel container.

TIP: Make sure to always shake, shake, shake before each use ;)

I've used this shampoo twice already and have liked it so far. I think if I told you that it feels the same as when one uses regular shampoo, it would not be the most honest comment. I think that any change goes through an adaptation period.

But as to how my hair looks and feels: very clean, soft and not frizzy...which is a huuuge must for curly hair gals, like me ;) Aaand a little bonus: you don't even need to use conditioner after.

Give this one a go and let me know how it worked out for you!


After using this recipe for a week I decided that I did not adapt very well and felt like it was just building up in my roots, so I'm still in the look for the shampoo for me...But good new is that this recipe makes an excellent shower gel ;)

I'm thinking that the next shampoo recipe will have aloe and coconut milk! Let's see how it will turn out :)

-The Nutrinut-

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