Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weight Loss Myths...

Nutrition news last week was kind of tough to read.

It always comes down to obesity and what everyone is doing wrong. Last week, an article attempted to “debunk” obesity myths. It included things like saying that assessing the readiness to change is not helpful and even questioned whether setting realistic goals is helpful or not. Another article said that apparently eating more fruits and veggies per day has not been beneficial in weight loss. Well, if the total amount of calories did not change, no kidding!

I get so frustrated with these studies. When are we going to learn that there is so much more to weight loss and being happy than that? We are not robots and there is no "one recipe for everyone" or weight loss truth or myth. What worked for you might not even work for your sister, much less someone you don’t know. We are so unique that even twins could have completely different relationships with food. So why is it news that a specific diet or approach has not been effective in a study? And why are we wasting time with these?

Moreover, when did eating become such an unpleasant experience? Do you remember when was the last time you fully enjoyed a meal without having to either classify it as a “not so tasty but healthy” or “delicious but beware of the calories”? It seems like all I read about has to do with miracle diets or miracle pills to cure obesity and still eat whatever you want or (my personal favorite) how following some "simple" steps will make all the pounds go away. Of course, every now and then you get the approach “everything you've been doing to lose weight is completely wrong”.

The way I see it, you should start from within. Don’t listen to magazine articles because they don’t know you. They don’t know your struggles, have no clue whatsoever how that piece of chocolate represents to you so much more than “lack of determination and willpower”. I’m not going to be here hypocritically giving you weight loss advice either because I would be doing just like all those other articles. But if there’s a place I like to start is with a food journal. Not with the objective to freak out over the calories but so you can find out how you feel about foods. Every meal you eat, write it down and make sure to include how you were feeling before and after. Understand your feelings. What foods give you comfort and why.

Another very important step, my very favorite topic…be kind to yourself. Destructive language only leads to self-destructive behavior.Think of what kind of conversations you are having with yourself and replace negative, destructive language with positive and loving words. "You are gorgeous, delicious and lovable".

And the last advice I can give, reach out to your loved ones for help and support. Chances are that they have similar struggles too ;)

I guess what I want the take home message to be is don't go crazy trying to follow everything that you read because that was not written for YOU. Whether it is not weighing yourself, setting realistic goals and losing weight slowly, don't take my word for it or any other person who does not know you...find what works, what's healthy for you and most importantly what makes you happy.

Because you are so worth taking amazing care of...

-The Nutrinut-

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